Please consider making a personal contribution to help Infinity Dance
Theater continue inspiring young people and adults with and without disabilities
through world-class performances and inspiring educational programs. Kitty Lunn
and everyone at Infinity are most grateful for your generous tax-deductible
contributions of any amount.
Gifts may be designated to support:
Checks are payable to Infinity Dance Theater, and may be mailed to:
Infinity Dance Theater 220 West 93rd Street New York, NY 10025
Corporations are invited to sponsor Infinity Dance Theater's performance
and educational programs in New York City and on tour across the U.S. and around
the world. Each corporate partner receives a customized package of promotional
benefits meeting the sponsor's unique needs.
To learn more about how
you can support Infinity Dance Theater, please contact Chris Frerichs at (917) 204-8294,
or by email at
Infinity Dance Theater is a registered 501(c)(3)
not-for-profit corporation.